Teen Vogue and The Voice #2

Teen Vogue

"Stevante Clark is Running for Mayor of Sacramento"

Stevante is the 25-year-old brother of Stephon Clark, the 22-year-old who was shot to death by Sacramento police officers while standing in his grandmother’s backyard on March 18, 2018. Stephon was holding a cell phone, which police claim they thought was a gun. His brother, Stevante, gained national attention for his response to the tragedy — specifically for a confrontation at a Sacramento City Council meeting. On March 27, 2018, he climbed on the dais and began emphatically scolding the council members on the need to reform the police, end gang violence, and lower rent in California’s capital city. Stevante is running for mayor, aiming for equality as well as an attempt to combat Sacramento’s economic inequality, which he says is as important as addressing problems with policing, including police violence.

This article is a great example of Teen Vogue's stance on social justice and empowering minority BAME groups. It also reflects their left wing political stance as this article is showing the police (federal officials who hold power in society) in a negative light and a young black male in a positive light, aiming to make change. Teen Vogue is all about the promotion of diversity and aiming to create a socially equal environment.

The Voice

"Black Lives Matter Activist's Book Set For Release In UK"

Deray Mckesson’s book is due to be released in the UK next year after it was acquired by publisher’s Oneworld. DeRay has really written two books here: first, a moving memoir of life as a gay, black man in twenty-first century America; second, a leading activist’s manual for meaningful change. McKesson, an outspoken advocate for racial justice in the United States and one of the prominent leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement, quit his job as a school teacher and moved to Ferguson. In his memoir, McKesson outlines the intellectual, pragmatic and political framework for a new liberation movement.

This article is empowering a black man who in mainstream media would be misheard and misunderstood. The Voice is promoting a 'Black Lives matter activist book' which shows their support for equality and social justice which in mainstream media is often represented in a white bias way. 
