Daily Mail

A haunting twist of fate: David was plucked from the East End at 16 and sent to a £35k-a year public school - now he has a top job in Whitehall. But his best friend Stephen was left behind and is serving life for murder. Is there more proof opportunity is everything?


Best friends David Ejim-McCubbin and Stephen Lansana, both very capable and bright individuals, are a powerful example that your environment and what you are surrounded by on a daily basis can have an impacting effect on your future and where you end up. Both men grew up in one of the poorest, crime-ridden boroughs of London, East London, but only one was given the opportunity to escape this lifestyle and triumph. "After their GCSEs, David became a boarder at £35,000-a-year Rugby public school in Warwickshire, as part of a radical social experiment, pioneered by an East End outreach charity working to steer vulnerable black youngsters away from crime.By contrast, Stephen Lansana went to local college to study A-levels. Everyone predicted he would achieve A grades. But he dropped out and drifted into criminal activity." Lansana was convicted for murder under the law of joint enterprise. "David remains in touch with his friend Stephen Lansana, visiting him every three months or so. He continues to pray for his future.
David says Stephen is full of regrets, but is determined to turn prison into a positive experience. He recently retook his maths GCSE, achieving a grade 7 — an A — and hopes to write a book. 'Stephen is very proud of me, he says he's happy that one of us made it,' says David, who continues to support him". 
This article is an example of soft news. An audience's dominant reading of this article would be that opportunities are the key out of struggle, enabling a person to change their lifestyle and the situation they are in. An audience's oppositional reading of this article would be that opportunity only contributes to change (in someones life) and in fact it is down to the person how their life turns out, if they really want to change something they will do the most to make it happen. In terms of Blumler and Katz - Uses and gratifications theory, an audience would read this article for information and to educate themselves (about the world they live in) as well as identification as some readers may be able to relate with the people in the article. This story supports its left wing values as it is giving a positive outlook on a story that to a right wing audience would be seen as negative - it also makes the convicted male look positive portraying him in a reforming way.
The i

‘No deal’ Brexit: the consequences of the UK leaving the EU without an agreement

This article discusses the consequences of the Uk leaving the EU with a no deal - some of the main consequences highlighted are effects on trade, people, law, money and the irish border.

