MIGRAIN October assessment learner response

WWW - Clear, concise writing ; focused well on the question 
EBI - Revise theory better-especially for genre : should have included quotes and theorists.

Question 1:
Todorov: disequilibrium suggested by gun; character eyeline looking off-screen suggests
danger or threat; tagline references ‘survival’; no hint of new equilibrium.
Barthes’ enigma and action codes: gun, tower blocks, review quotes.
Propp’s character types: urban hero established through costume & props.
"and judicious use of the theoretical framework"

Question 2:
"Consistent highly appropriate use of subject specific terminology throughout."

Question 3: 
Neale “repetition and difference” – allows producers to evolve genre but maintain audience;
Abercrombie “television producers set out to exploit genre conventions... economic sense”

... “Genres permit the creation and maintenance of a loyal audience.”
Use theorists and quotes.

Question 4:
"Judgements and conclusions regarding the application of reception theory are
perceptive and fully supported with detailed reference to specific aspects of the
set product."

Example Response: What I missed out:

1 - "The producers invite the audience to more links between their knowledge of conventional narrative structures and this media text"

3 - "As stated by Abercrombie: 'media producers set out to exploit genre conventions, it makes sound economic sense'."

4 - "Halls reception theory also states that it is possible for audiences to 'completely reject' the producers intentions. This idea refers to the counter-hegemonic readings that consumers may interpret."

My strongest question was Question 2. I did better in this question because I have more knowledge on 'meanings created for the audience' and was able to make strong interpretations from the two posters. My weakest question was Question 3 as I did not have as much knowledge on genre theory and theorists so I didn't include quotes and theorists in my answer.

Question 3 LR:

Genre is important for both media producers and audiences as it creates a good selling point for producers based on the genre of film their audience enjoys. Abercrombie stated that: "television producers set out to exploit genre conventions... economic sense" which shows how producers use genre to their economic advantage. Genre is important for both producers and industries as it is used as a template to attract audiences as people will continue to watch films of a specific genre that they are fond of. Genre is also used as economic reassurance, typically for TV series and movies as they rely on popular genres.The recognition of whether or not an audience will enjoy a film/Tv show based on their past experiences with that genre is important for producers as they base their films on their target audience which also makes Schatz theory of genre cycles an important element.

Genre is important for audiences as it helps them to recognise whether or not they will enjoy a film/ TV show based on their past experiences with that genre. Further enforcing the importance of genre for audiences as it creates expectations of narrative, character, plot, style, content which contributes to the audiences pleasure and gratifications. Genre also allows audiences to compare and discuss media products as well as recognising development and evolution in genres. Abercrombie stated that "genres permit the creation and maintenance of a loyal audience" which shows how audiences will continue to watch films over time that are a part of a genre that they like.

Genre is also important as it allows the creation of new ideas and the evolution of genre. For example, Neales quote on genre of "repetition and difference" allows producers to evolve a genre but maintain it's audience.
